Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mac or PC? rap video from geeks

Some group of geeks spent their time and money and create a “Mac or PC” rap video?
Check it out.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Future of the Internet?

Here is a thought-provoking video that presents a vision of what the Internet might become before the end of the century. Will Google eventually attain world domination? Will copyright laws be one day a thing of the past? Enjoy the show!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Joke :: Superman fucking wonder woman

One sunny Sunday, Superman was flying around with nothing to do, so he decided to drop in on Batman.

"Hi, Bat", said Superman, "let's go down the pub and have a beer."

"Not today, Super. My Batmobile's broken down and I've got to fix it. Can't fight crime without it, you know."

Disappointed, Superman went over to Spiderman's place.

"Let's go down the pub for a drink, Spider."

"Sorry Super. I've got a problem with my web gun. Can't fight without it, you know."
Dejectedly, Superman took to the air again, and decided to drop by on Wonder Woman. There she was, lying on her back out on her balcony, stark naked and writhing around. Superman conceived a cunning idea. "Everyone says I'm faster than a speeding bullet, and I've always wondered what sort of screw she'd be'.

So he zoomed down, did her in a flash and zoomed off.

What the hell was that!", cried Wonder Woman.

"I don't know, but it hurt like hell!" said the Invisible Man.

Joke :: Professor's definition of a kiss

Professors of different subjects define the same word in different ways:

Prof. of Computer Science:
A kiss is a few bits of love compiled into a byte.

Prof. of Algebra:
A kiss is two divided by nothing.

Prof. of Geometry:
A kiss is the shortest distance between two straight lines.

Prof. of Physics:
A kiss is the contraction of mouth due to the expansion of the heart.

Prof. of Chemistry:
A kiss is the reaction of the interaction between two hearts.

Prof. of Zoology:
A kiss is the interchange of unisexual salivary bacteria.

Prof. of Physiology:
A kiss is the juxtaposition of two orbicular ors muscles in the state of contraction.

Prof. of Dentistry:
A kiss is infectious and antiseptic.

Prof. of Accountancy:
A kiss is a credit because it is profitable when returned.

Prof. of Economics:
A kiss is that thing for which the demand is higher than the supply.

Prof. of Statistics:
A kiss is an event whose probability depends on the vital statistics of 36-24-36.

Prof. of Philosophy:
A kiss is the persecution for the child, ecstasy for the youth and homage for the old.

Prof. of English:
A kiss is a noun that is used as a conjunction; it is more common than proper; it is spoken in the plural and it is applicable to all.

Prof. of Engineering:
Uh, What? I'm not familiar with that term.

Joke :: Difference between Indian & American Democracy

Q. What is the difference between Indian and American democracy?

A. In India you can shit in public but you can't kiss in public. In America you can kiss in public but you can't shit in public!

Joke :: Irish girl inside bar

The Irish girl had never been into a bar before, and she asked the barman to recommend a drink.

"Try this", he suggested, and mixed her up a dry martini.

She thought it was great, but an hour and six martinis later, she was asleep on the floor, dead drunk.

The barman asked a couple of regulars to help him carry her out to the back room, where one of them suggested that they give her a quickie while she was out cold.

Next night, she returned to the bar and got stuck into the martinis again. As before, she finished up dead drunk. The same three carried her out the back and bonked her again. This went on for a week.

When she came back on the eight night, the barman started mixing the martinis as soon as she walked through the door.

"I'll have a scotch tonight!", she said. "Those martinis make my cunt sore!"

Joke :: Little Johnnie learning about pussy & bitch

Little Johnnie was learning new words.

"Mum, what's pussy?"

Mother pointed at the cat and said, "That's a pussy."

"Mum, what's a bitch?"

Mother pointed to their female dog and said, "That's a bitch."

Johnnie wanted to confirm this information with his father.

"Daddy!" he said excitedly, "What's a pussy?"

Father pulled out the centerfold of the Playboy magazine and drew a circle around the appropriate part.

"Son", he said, "that's a pussy."

"Well, Dad, what's a bitch?"

"Everything outside the circle", replied his father.

Joke :: Pat and Mick at the barber shop

Pat and Mick were being shaved by the barber in the barber shop. The barber started to put aftershave on Pat's face.

"Don't put that stinkin' stuff on me!" exclaimed Pat. "My wife will think I smell like a brothel!"

Then it was Mick's turn. "You can put as much aftershave on me as you like. My wife doesn't know what a brothel smells like!"

Joke :: Grandpa marrying young nymphomaniac

Grandpa had just told them the news - he was getting engaged to a twenty five year old nymphomaniac. The family was very concerned. His eldest daughter spoke confidentially to him.

"Dad, we're most concerned that sex with a girl like that could prove fatal."

"So what?", said Grandpa. "If she dies, she dies."

Joke :: Old bloke making love to young woman

The old bloke was a bit embarrassed, but he had to see the doctor.

"I'm worried, doc", he said. "I met this twenty five year woman last night and she made passionate love to me. Since then, my old fella has swollen to twice its normal size, its become red and itchy and there's a discharge beginning to appear."

The doctor examined him.

"You'd better sit down", he said. "You're about to cum."

Joke :: Sherlock Holmes & Watson walking through park

Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes were walking through the park when they passed three women eating bananas.

"Ah", said Holmes, " I see a spinster, a prostitute and a newlywed."

"Amazing, Holmes!", said Dr Watson, "How did you deduce that?"

"Elementary, my dear Watson. "See how the spinster breaks the banana into small pieces before posing them into her mouth? Whilst the prostitute in the middle holds the banana in both hands."

"Yes, Holmes, but how do you know the other one is newlywed?"

"Well", said Holmes," she's holding the banana with one hand and thumping herself on the back of the head with the other."

Joke :: Jane with bad back

Jane went to her doctor complaining of a bad back. After trying every remedy that he knew, her doctor finally said, "Tell me, Jane, how do you have sex?"

"I always have it doggy fashion", she said.

"Ah, that's it!" said the doctor. "Why don't you try having it on you back?"

"Have you ever smelled a Labrador's breath?" said Jane.

Joke :: Cheating wife making love with lover

The errant wife was in the middle of a very passionate session with her lover when the phone rang.

She picked up the phone and listened for a few minutes, and told her lover that it was her husband on the phone.

The boyfriend panicked and started to dress.

"Calm down", she said, "we've got plenty of time. He's playing cards with you and the rest of his mates."

Joke :: Dogs Vs Cats

11. Dogs come when you call them. Cats take a message and get back to you when they are good and ready.

10. Dogs look much better at the end of a leash.

9. Dogs will let you give them a bath without taking out a contract on your life.

8. Dogs will bark to wake you up if the house is on fire. Cats will quietly sneak out the back door.

7. Dogs will bring you your slippers or the evening newspaper. Cats might bring you a dead mouse.

6. Dogs will play Frisbee with you all afternoon. Cats will take a three-hour nap.

5. Dogs will sit on the car seat next to you. Cats have to have their own private box or they will not go at all.

4. Dogs will greet you and lick your face when you come home from work. Cats will be mad that you went to work at all.

3. Dogs will sit, lie down, and heel on command. Cats will smirk and walk away.

2. Dogs will tilt their heads and listen whenever you talk. Cats will yawn and close their eyes.

1. Dogs will give you unconditional love forever. Cats will make you pay for every mistake you've ever made since the day you were born.

Joke :: Chat up lines by Austin Powers

I wish you were a door so I could bang you all day long.

Nice legs...what time do they open?

You've got 206 bones in your body, want one more?

I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight.

Wanna play army? I'll lay down and you can blow the hell outta me.

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that was a braille name tag.

I'd really like to see how you look when I'm naked.

Is that a ladder in your stockings or the stairway the heaven?

Are those real?

I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles, and even further for that thing you do with your tongue.

If it's true that we are what we eat, then I could be you by morning.

(Look down at your crotch) Well It's not just going to suck itself.

You know, if I were you, I'd have sex with me.

You. Me. Whipped cream. Handcuffs. Any questions?

Those clothes would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor.

My name is (name)...remember that, you'll be screaming it later.

Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.

Hi, the voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you.

I know milk does a body good, but DAMN, how much have you been drinking?

If you were the last woman and I was the last man on earth, I bet we could do it in public.

Wanna come over for some pizza and sex? No? Why, don't you like pizza?

Baby, I'm an American Express shouldn't go home without me.

Joke :: Two old-maid virgin sisters

There were 2 old-maid sisters... both virgins. It's Friday night and Gladys looks at Betty and says, "I'm not going to die a virgin... I'm going out and I'm not coming home 'til I've been laid!!"

Betty says, "Well, make sure you're home by 10 so I don't worry about you."

10 o'clock rolls around and there's no sign of Gladys... 11 o'clock...12 o'clock...

Finally about 15 after 1 the front door flys open. In runs Gladys... straight to the bathroom.

Betty goes and knocks on the door, "Are you okay, Gladys??"

No answer, so she opens the door and there sits Gladys with her panties around her ankles, legs spread, and her head stuck between her legs looking at herself.

"What is it, Gladys??? What's wrong?" asks Betty.

"Betty, it was 10 inches long when it went in... and 5 when it came out. When I find the other half you're gonna have the time of your life!!!"

Joke :: Old friend drinking in a bar

A man walked into a bar and saw an old friend dejectedly nursing a drink. "You look terrible," the man said.

"My mother died in July and left me $10,000," the friend replied. "Then in August my father died and left me $20,000."

"That's tough, losing both parents in two months."

"Then to top it off," the friend said, "my aunt died last month and left me $50,000."

"How sad."

"Tell me about it," the friend continued. "So far this month, nothing."

Joke :: Hygiene baker

"We specialise In Hygiene", said the sign at the bread shop.

The customer was delighted when she saw the baker pick up her rolls with a pair of tongs and put them in a bag.

"Untouched by human hands!", said the baker.

"Very good!" said the customer, "but tell me, what is that piece of string hanging out of your fly?"

"hygiene!", said the baker. "When I have a piss I pull it out with the string. My hand never touches my dick."

"How do you put it back?", asked the customer.

With the tongs", replied the baker.

Joke :: Lady at Gynecologist

She went to the gynecologist with her problem.

"Can you stop having sex with your husband for a month?" he suggested.

"Sure", she said, "I've got a couple of boyfriends who could stand in for that long."

Joke :: Rooster wearing pant and shirt

A salesman is talking to a farmer when he looks over and sees a rooster wearing pants, a shirt, and suspenders.

He says, "What on earth is that all about?"

The farmer says, "We had a fire in the chicken coop two months ago and all his feathers got singed off, so the wife made him some clothes to keep him warm."

"Okay, but that was two months ago. Why does he still wear them?"

The farmer replied, "There ain't nothing funnier than watching him try to hold down a hen with one foot and get his pants down with the other."

Joke :: Lady with pain in the knees

The lady went into the doctor's office and complained of pain on the knees.
The doctor concluded correctly that she has been making love doggie style and suggested that she tried other positions.

"I can't," she protested, "because that's the only position my Doberman knows!"

Joke :: Little Johnny farting in class

Little Johnny kept disrupting his third grade class by regularly letting loud farts.

His teacher kept him after school. When she insisted on knowing why he exhibited such offensive behavior, Little Johnny said, “I do it because I can do it better than anybody, and I’m very proud of that fact.”

The teacher says, “If I show you I can do it better than you, will you stop?”

Little Johnny agreed and the teacher placed two pieces of paper on the floor with identical piles of chalk dust on each one. Johnny dropped his pants, squatted down, farted and blew all but a tiny little speck of dust off the paper.

The teacher dropped her panties, lifted her skirt, squatted down and farted but when she was done, and there was not a trace of chalk dust left on the paper. Johnny was astonished and asked if he could see her do it again. She was willing and as she repeated the process, Johnny peeked up underneath her skirt.

“No wonder you won!” he exclaimed indignantly, “you’ve got a Double-Barrel!”

Joke :: Guy swimming naked in lake

The weather was very hot, so this man wanted desperately take a dive in the nearby lake. He didn’t bring his swimming outfit, but who cared ? He was all alone. So he undressed and got into the water.

After some delightful minutes of cool swimming, a pair of old ladies walked onto the shore in his direction. He panicked, got out of the water and grabbed a bucket, which laid on the sandy
beach. He held the bucket in front of his private parts and sighed with relief.

The ladies got nearby and looked at him. He felt awkward and wanted to move. Then one of the ladies said: “You know , I have a special gift, I can read minds.”

“Impossible”, said the embarrassed man, “You really know what I think?”

“Yes”, the lady replied, ‘I know that you think that the bucket you’re holding has a bottom in it.”

Joke :: Signs that you need a new lawyer

1. During your initial consultation he tries to sell you Amway.

2. When the prosecutors see who your lawyer is, they high-five each other.

3. He picks the jury by playing “duck-duck-goose.”

4. During the trial you catch him playing his Gameboy.

5. He asks a hostile witness to “pull my finger.”

6. A prison guard is shaving your head.

7. Every couple of minutes he yells, “I call Jack Daniels to the stand!” and proceeds to drink a shot.

8. He frequently gives juror No. 4 the finger.

9. He places a large “No Refunds” sign on the defense table.

10. He begins closing arguments with, “As Ally McBeal once said …”

11. He keeps citing the legal case of Godzilla v. Mothra.

12. Just before trial starts he whispers, “The judge is the one with the little hammer, right?”

13. Just before he says “Your Honor,” he makes those little quotation marks in the air with his fingers.

14. The sign in front of his law office reads “Practicing Law Since 2:25 PM.”

15. Whenever his objection is overruled, he tells the judge, “Whatever.”

Joke :: God's Apples of Life

A little girl walks into her parents' bathroom and notices for the First time, her father's nakedness.

Immediately, she is curious: he has equipment that she doesn't have. She asks, 'What are those round things hanging there, daddy?'

Proudly, he replies, 'Those, sweetheart, are God's Apples of Life.

Without them we wouldn't be here.'

Puzzled, she seeks her mommy out and tells her what daddy has said.

To which mommy asks, 'Did he say anything about the dead branch they're hanging from?'

Joke :: Four advantages of breast milk

The student - not necessarily a well-prepared student - sat in his life science classroom staring at a question on the final exam paper. The question directed: “Give four advantages of breast milk.”

What to write? He sighed, and began to scribble whatever came into his head, hoping for the best:

1. No need to boil.

2. Cats can’t steal it.

3. Available whenever necessary.

Um. So far so good - maybe. But the exam demanded a four-part answer. Again, what to write?

Once more he sighed. He frowned. He scowled. Then sighed again. But suddenly, he brightened. He grabbed his pen, and triumphantly he scribbled his definitive answer:

4. Available in attractive containers.

Joke :: How different professionals have sex

ACCOUNTANTS are good with figures.

ACTORS do it on cue.

ADVERTISERS use the "new, improved" method.


ANSI does it in the standard way

ARCHEOLOGISTS like it old.

ARCHITECTS have great plans.

ARTISTS are exhibitionists.

ASSEMBLY LINE WORKERS do it over and over.

ASTRONOMERS do it with Uranus.

ATTORNEYS make better motions.

AUDITORS like to examine figures.

BABYSITTERS charge by the hour.

BAILIFFS always come to order.

BAKERS knead it daily.

BAND MEMBERS play all night.

BANKERS do it with interest - penalty for early withdrawal.

BARBERS do it with shear pleasure.

BARTENDERS do it on the rocks.

BASEBALL PLAYERS make it to first base.

BASKETBALL PLAYERS score more often.

BEEKEEPERS like to eat their honey.

BEER BREWERS do it with more hops.

BEER DRINKERS get more head.

BICYCLISTS do it with 10 speeds.

BOOKKEEPERS do it with double entry.

BOSSES delegate the task to others.

BOWLERS have bigger balls.

BRICKLAYERS lay all day.

BRIDGE PLAYERS try to get a rubber.

BUS DRIVERS come early and pull out on time.

BUTCHERS have better meat.

C'Bers do it on the air.

CAMPERS do it in a tent.

CARPENTERS hammer it harder.

CARPET LAYERS do it on the floor.

CHEERLEADERS do it with more enthusiasm.

CHEMISTS like to experiment.

CHESS PLAYERS check their mates.

CHIROPRACTORS do it by manipulation.

CLOCK MAKERS do it mechanically.

CLOWNS do it for laughs.

COACHES whistle while they work.

COBOL PROGRAMMERS do it with bugs.

COCKTAIL WAITRESSES serve highballs.

COMPUTER GAME PLAYERS just can't stop.

COMPUTER OPERATORS get the most out of their software.

CONSTRUCTION WORKERS lay a better foundation.

CONSULTANTS tell other how to do it.

COPS have bigger guns.

COWBOYS handle anything horny.

COWGIRLS like to ride bareback.

CRANE OPERATORS have swinging balls.

CREDIT MANAGERS always collect.

DANCERS do it in leaps and bounds.

DEADHEADS do it with Jerry.

DEER HUNTERS will do anything for a buck.

DENTAL HYGIENISTS do it till it hurts.

DENTISTS do it in your mouth.

DETECTIVES do it under cover.

DIETICIANS eat better.

DIRECT MAILERS get it in the sack.

DIVERS do it deeper.

DOCTORS do it with patience.

DRUGGISTS fill your prescription.

DRUMMERS do it in 4/4 time.

DRY WALLER'S are better bangers.

ELECTRICIANS check your shorts.

ENGINEERS charge by the hour.

EXECUTIVES have large staffs.

FARMERS spread it around.

FIREMEN are always in heat.

FISHERMEN are proud of their rods.

FOOTBALL PLAYERS are measured by the yard.

FOUR-WHEELERS eat more bush.

FURRIERS appreciate good beaver.

GARBAGE MEN come once a week.

GARDENERS have 50 foot hoses.


GEOLOGISTS are great explorers.

GOLFERS do it in 18 holes.

GYMNASTS mount and dismount well.

HACKERS do it with fewer instructions.

HAIRDRESSERS give the best blow jobs.

HAM OPERATORS do it with frequency.

HANDYMEN like good screws.

HEWLETT PACKARD does it with precision.

HORSEBACK RIDERS stay in the saddle longer.

HUNTERS do it with a bang.

INSURANCE SALESMEN are premium lovers.

INTERIOR DECORATORS do it all over the house.

INVENTORS find a way.

JANITORS clean up afterwards.

JEWELERS mount real gems.

JOGGERS do it on the run.

LANDSCAPERS plant it deeper.

LAWYERS do it in their briefs.

LIBRARIANS do it quietly.

LOCKSMITHS can get into anything.


MACHINISTS make the best screws.

MAGICIANS are quicker than the eye.

MAINTENANCE MEN sweep 'em off their feet.

MANAGERS supervise others.

MARKETING REPs do it on commission.

MILKMEN deliver twice a week.

MILLIONAIRES pay to have it done.

MINERS sink deeper shafts.

MINISTERS do it on Sundays.

MISSILE MEN have better thrust.

MODELS do it in any position.

MODEM MANUFACTURERS do it with all sorts of characters.

MOTORCYCLISTS like something hot between their legs.

MOVIE STARS do it on film.

MUSICIANS do it with rhythm.

NONSMOKERS do it without huffing and puffing.

NURSES call the shots.

OCEANOGRAPHERS do it down under.

OPERATORS do it person-to-person.

OPTOMETRISTS do it face-to-face.

PAINTERS do it with longer strokes.


PHYSICISTS do it with uniform harmonic motion.

PILOTS keep it up longer.

PLUMBERS do it under the sink.

POLICEMEN like big busts.

POLITICIANS do it for 4 years then have to get re-erected.

POSTMEN come slower.

PRINTERS do it without wrinkling the sheets.

PRINTERS reproduce the fastest.

PROCTOLOGISTS do it in the end.

PROFESSORS do it by the book.

RACERS like to come in first.

RACQUETBALL PLAYERS do it off the wall..

RADIO and TV ANNOUNCERS broadcast it.

REAL ESTATE PEOPLE know all the prime spots.

RECYCLERS use it again.

REPAIRMEN can fix anything.

REPORTERS do it daily.

RESEARCHERS are still looking for it.

RETAILERS move their merchandise.

ROOFERS do it on top.

RUNNERS get into more pants.

SAILORS like to be blown.

SALESPEOPLE have away with their tongues.

SCIENTISTS discovered it.

SECRETARIES do it from 9 to 5.

SKYDIVERS are good till the last drop.

SOCCER PLAYERS have leather balls.

SPEECH PATHOLOGISTS are oral specialists.

SPELUNKERS do it underground.

SPORTSCASTERS like an instant replay.

STEWARDESSES do it in the air.

STUDENTS use their heads.

SURGEONS are smooth operators.

TAILORS make it fit.

TAXI DRIVERS do it all over town.

TAXIDERMISTS mount anything.

TELEPHONE CO. EMPLOYEES let their fingers do the walking.

TELLERS can handle all deposits and withdrawals.

TENNIS PLAYERS have fuzzy balls.

TRUCK DRIVERS have bigger dipsticks.

TRUCKERS carry bigger loads.

TYPISTS do it in triplicate.

VETERINARIANS are pussy lovers.


WAITRESSES serve it piping hot.

WATER SKIERS come down harder.

WELDERS have hotter rods.

WRESTLERS know the best holds.

WRITERS have novel ways.

ZOOLOGISTS do it with animal instinct.

Joke :: Women's English

Yes = No

No = Yes

Maybe = No

I’m sorry = You’ll be sorry

We need = I want

It’s your decision = The correct decision should be obvious by now

Do what you want = You’ll pay for this later

We need to talk = I need to complain

Sure go ahead = I don’t want you to

I’m not upset = Of course I’m upset, you moron!

You’re so manly = You need a shave and you sweat a lot

You’re certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think about?

Be romantic, turn out the lights = I have flabby thighs

This kitchen is so inconvenient = I want a new house

I want new curtains = and carpeting, and furniture, and wallpaper

Hang the picture there = NO, I mean hang it there!

I heard a noise = I noticed you were almost asleep

Do you love me? = I’m going to ask for something expensive

How much do you love me? = I did something today you’re really not going to like

I’ll be ready in a minute = Kick off your shoes and find a good game on TV

Is my butt fat? = Tell me I’m beautiful

You have to learn to communicate = Just agree with me

Are you listening to me!? = Too late, you’re dead

Was that the baby? = Why don’t you get out of bed and walk him until he goes to sleep

I’m not yelling! = Yes I am yelling because I think this is important

The same old thing = Nothing

Nothing = Everything

Everything = My PMS is acting up

Nothing, really = It’s just that you’re such an asshole

Joke :: Types of Girl Friends

1) Ms. Nice Gal - “Tickets to the boxing match? Oh Darling, you shouldn’t have”
Also known as: What a gal, precious, one of the boys, my main squeeze, doormat
Advantages: Cheerful, agreeable, kindly
Disadvantages: May wise up someday

2) Old Yeller - “You god-damned spineless good-for-nothing drag-ass no-talent son of a bitch! Can’t you see you’re making me miserable??”
Also known as: She-Devil, Sourpuss, the Nag, My Old Lady, Warthog from Hell
Advantages: Pays attention to you
Disadvantages: Screeches, throws frying pans

3) Sickly - “Oh, my head. My head. My feet. My cramps. My cellulite”
Also known as: Whiner, Mewler, Glumpy
Advantages: Predictable
Disadvantages: Contagious

4) The Bosser - “Stand up straight. Put on a different tie. Get a haircut. Change your job. Make some money. Don’t give me that look.”
Also known as: Whipcracker, The Sarge, Ms. Know-it-all, Ball and Chain, yes Mom
Advantages: Often right
Disadvantages: Often right, but so what?

5) Ms. Vaguely Dissatisfied - “I just can’t decide. Should I switch my career, goals, home, and hair color?”
Also known as: The Fretter, Worrywart, Typical, Aw c’mon Honey
Advantages: Easily soothed
Disadvantages: Even more easily perturbed

6) Wild Woman out of Control - “I’ve got an idea. Lez get drunk an’ make love onna front lawn. I done it before. S’fun.”
Also known as: Fast girl, freewheeler, goodtime charleena, passed out
Advantages: More fun than a barrel of monkeys
Disadvantages: Unreliable; drives off cliffs

7) Huffy - “I see nothing humorous in those silly cartoons you keep snickering at”
Also known as: No fun, humorless prig, Cold fish, Chilly proposition, iceberg, Snarly
Advantages: Your friends will feel sorry for you
Disadvantages: You will have no friends

8) Woman from Mars - “I believe this interpretive dance will explain how I feel about our relationship”
Also known as: The Babbler, Spooky Girl, Screwball, Loony, Bad News, Artistic
Advantages: Entertaining, unfathomable
Disadvantages: Will read her poetry aloud

9) Ms. Dream girl - “I am utterly content with you just the way you are, my handsome genius of a boyfriend. I think we must make love like crazed weasels now”
Also known as: Ms. Right, Goddess, Knockout, Perfection, Gorgeous
Advantages: Funny, intelligent uninhibited
Disadvantages: Will have nothing to do with you.

Joke :: Nailing people's personality based on what they drink

Seven New York City bartenders were asked if they could nail a WOMAN’s personality based on what she drinks. Though interviewed separately, they concurred on almost all counts.

The results:

Drink: Beer
Personality: Casual, low-maintenance; down to earth.
Your Approach: Challenge her to a game of pool.

Drink: Blender Drinks
Personality: Flaky, annoying; a pain in the ass.
Your Approach: Avoid her, unless you want to be her cabin boy.

Drink: Mixed Drinks
Personality: Older, has picky taste; knows what she wants.
Your Approach: You won’t have to approach her. She’ll send YOU a drink.

Drink: Wine - (does not include white Zinfandel,see below)
Personality: Conservative and classy, sophisticated.
Your Approach: Tell her you wish Reagan had four more years…Alzheimer’s and term limits be damned.

Drink: White Zinfandel
personality: Easy; thinks she is classy and sophisticated, actually has no clue.
Your approach: Make her feel smarter than she is…

Drink: Shots
Personality: Hanging with frat-boy pals or looking to get drunk…and naked.
Your Approach: Easiest hit in the joint. Nothing to do but wait.

Then there is the MALE addendum …. The deal with guys is, as always, very simple and clear cut.

Domestic Beer: He’s poor and wants to get laid.

Imported Beer: He likes good beer and wants to get laid.

Wine: He’s hoping that the wine thing will give him a sophisticated image to help him get laid.

Whiskey: He doesn’t give two shits about anything but getting laid.

Tequila: Piss off, all you wankers, I’m gonna go shag something.

White Zinfandel: He’s gay.

Joke :: Things not to say to a naked woman

Cool, I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon.

How many storage boxes can you fit in there?

You must be very experienced.

Remember, you said this was a freebie…right?

Wait, let me get a board and rope so I don’t fall in.

I gotta take off my watch, wouldn’t wanna lose it.

Why do you wear a bra when you’ve already got a belt.

Would you mind rolling around in this flour.

I heard carpenters dream about you.

So this is why you’re supposed to judge people on personality.

Look….I can get my whole arm in.

It’s a good thing you have so many other talents.

Is that an optical illusion?

If I look right at it I feel like I’m falling in.

Would you mind wearing a paper sack on your head?

Do you mind if I wear one too…in case yours falls off?

Jeez…What ya got up there, dead fish?

I heard you could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.

Have you ever thought of working in a sideshow?

I’ve been wondering all night what that smell was.

Maybe if I get really wasted I wont mind your body.

You know they have surgery to fix that.

Everybody down at the bar said you were good.

Oh, that’s why they call it a Wonderbra, it makes those lines go away.

Huh? They told me your name was Jezebel.

I expect a good time, at least, the bathroom wall said so.

You’re not as ugly as people claim, not quite anyway.

You’re not ‘that’ fat.

I see why everyone said, with you, it’s better with the lights out.

Wow, you like it the same way your little sister does.

Joke :: Hindi translation of common English phrases

Have a nice day! —– * Achcha din lo!

What’s up? —– *Uppar kya hai?

You’re kidding! —– *Tum bachcha bana rahe ho!

Don’t kid me! —– * Mera bachcha mut banaao!

Yo, baby! What’s up? —–* Beti Yo, uppar kya hai?

Cool man! —–* Thandaa aadmi!

Don’t mess with me, dude.—– * Mere saath gandagee mat karo, ek hustee.

Check this out, man! —– * Iskee chaanbeen karo, aadmi!

She’s so fine! —– * Woh itnee baareek hai!

Listen buddy, that chick’s mine, okay!?—– * Suno dost, woh choozaa mera hai, theek?

Hey good looking; what’s cooking? —– * Hey Sundari; kyaa pak raha hai?

Are you nuts? —– * Kya aap akhrot hain?

Son of a gun.—– * Bachcha bandook ka.

And the best one is…..

How do you do? —– * Kaise karte ho?

General Body Meeting…. —– *Saamanya Shaaririk Milan

C ya folks… —– (Dekhte hain doston) &

Keep in touch…… —– (Chhoote Raho…..)